The new Ismaili Center in Houston will express in physical form the Jamat’s commitment to building a pluralist society and finding ways to unite diverse people and cultures. The Center’s design is contemporary, yet reflects a historically rooted, rich architectural heritage. It combines modern architectural technology with traditional Persian forms and ornament, including ceramic mosaics and mashrabiya screens.

The building interior will include three atriums acting as common, flexible spaces between rooms dedicated to specific events. Each is designed in such a way as to fill the heart of the building with natural light and views of the sky above.

The Center’s landscaped gardens will provide a sense of serenity and peace, offering a respite from its urban surroundings. They will include several live oak and peach tree-shaded areas, fountains, flowerbeds, lawns, walkways, and a large amphitheater in a sunken lawn. These will be spaces of solace, providing for the rejuvenation of the mind and the spirit.