Speech at the Foundation Ceremony of the Ismaili Centre, Dushanbe

Speech by His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan at the Foundation Ceremony of the Ismaili Centre, Dushanbe on Saturday, 30 August 2003.

Speech by
His Excellency Emomali Rahmon
The President of the Republic of Tajikistan

At the Foundation Ceremony of
The Ismaili Centre, Dushanbe
Saturday, 30 August 2003

Your Highness,
Dear Countrymen,

Today we witness a very magnificent event – the Foundation Ceremony of the Ismaili Cultural Centre in Dushanbe. It is a great pleasure that today you, Your Highness, are with us.

We consider the Ismaili Cultural Centre foundation to be a symbol of the realisation of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan's Article on freedom of consciousness, pluralism and faith.

We recognise these as great achievements and consider them to be the important means of exchange of opinions and national accord in society.

In this connection, the Government of Tajikistan will always promote, and provide conditions and the possibilities for development of such spaces in our country.

It is a very appropriate and timely coincidence that the Foundation Ceremony of the Ismaili Cultural Centre is taking place on the eve of millennium celebration of Nasir Khusraw Kubodieni, one of our greatest philosophers.

Nasir Khusraw had significantly contributed to the philosophical thinking of the Tajik people as well as all the nations of the East.

He also played a great role in working out the twelve documents of the Fatimids in Khurasan that helped to solve the difficulties of Ismaili philosophy.

Today the followers of the Ismaili faith are an integral part of our society and they actively participate in the processes that are taking place in our country.

The Cultural Centre, that I hope will be established in the near future, is one more symbol for development of mutual cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the institutions of His Highness.

As you know this cooperation is developing and strengthening from day to day. The establishment of the University of Central Asia in Khorog, the activities of His Highness' Institutions in the spheres of culture, education, communication, rural support of small and medium enterprises, and construction of bridges that link Tajikistan and Afghanistan are the true and real evidence of our mutual efforts.

I believe that this cooperation, which aims to change the values of human beings, will be further promoted and developed.

I hope this Centre will significantly contribute to the increase and widening of cultural and literary achievements of Tajikistan.

Today, during the meeting we reach an agreement to construction of one more object: a five-star hotel in the capital of Tajikistan in Dushanbe. I gave already relevant instructions to the Chairman of Dushanbe to prepare and work out all the necessary documentation for allocation of this land.

We also came to the agreement that at the end of September – beginning of October we together will go to Khorog and give blessings to the foundation ceremony of UCA in Khorog.

Also, not far from Presidential Palace, just opposite a ROHAT tea house there are two of two-storied buildings that were constructed in early 30s. Instead of these two houses, insholloh, prior to the Navruz, the construction of another modern buildings of His Highness will commence.

In October, we hope to participate in inauguration of Darvaz bridge, that will link Tajikistan with Afghanistan and to discuss grounds for the construction of second bridge in Ishkashim.

I avail the opportunity to hope that the Ismaili Cultural Centre in Dushanbe will be a high quality building and will be the best in the world. I pray in near future together with His Highness to participate in opening of this Centre.

I wish success and peace to everybody.